Recently, I had the opportunity to work with the "photography" medium.

Last year, I taught a simple but very beneficial course, "Introduction to Photography". It is published by Oak Meadow (a homeschooling vendor and school). And of course, prior to this course, I knew really nothing about techniques regarding photography.
So, in some ways, I learned while teaching the class. And of course one the best things about this class was discovering how each photo can be cropped and literally transformed. I use Pixlr, an online FREE photo editing program to enhance my photos. Another thing I have really enjoyed is the freedom of photography and how the simplest photo can send a thousand words.
Earlier this year, my son and I had a chance to visit an 1800's homestead. And of course, they had a sunflower garden, which was a great idea. I snapped this photo here. I thought it not only was captivating but also demonstrated the "hard light" technique. And this is simply where a subject is exposed to full light ( both artificial or natural). So look out for more photography from me. I may also use my photos as an inspiration point for painting.
Actually, this one would make a great one!